
The Benefits Of Using An NFT Over Crafting

There are several benefits to owning a Weapons NFT opposed to crafting them which have been covered in detail on the NFT Integration page, but briefly include:

  • NO EXPIRY Unlike the crafted variants of these weapons, Weapons NFTs NEVER expire.

  • BETTER STATS Higher stats can be achieved using NFTs as both their minimum and maximum stats have been raised by 20% compared to those that can be crafted. Stats are completely random but the min/max bounds have been increased by 20%.

  • NO LIMIT TRADING Crafted items can only be traded ONCE. Once they're traded, they cannot be relisted, even if they are unused by the buyer.

  • USABLE IN F2P and PFR Unlike crafted items, all NFTs are usable in both FREE TO PLAY, and PLAY FOR REWARDS game modes.

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