When you first form a fleet in Space Guardians, your fleet will be assigned to a randomly chosen location within the Nekon star system. This may be a star, a moon, a derelict space station etc.
This location will be your home for the foreseeable future, however there will be options for you to relocate your Fleet Head Quarters (FHQ) later.
From here you will undertake the task of raising the required funding and gathering the materials needed to craft your Fleet Carrier. Let's not jump ahead though, first step in this process is to recruit!
Step One: Recruitment
So you've created your first fleet and you're ready to recruit? Then let's get started. Fleets may initially consist of up to 30 members; however, this can be increased up to 100 members as your fleet develops and grows in strength. For the aspiring Fleet Commanders among you, recruitment is your first job. A fleet is not a fleet without a swarm of combat ready, blood hungry, space junkies under your command. Time to find some comrades to enlist.
Recruit your friends and family or source some of the finest pilots to ever grace the Nekon star system, directly from our fleet finder.
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