Dang Pirates!
Blunders and Plunder
Look, it's going to go wrong from time to time, it's just how the law of averages work. However, how you prepare yourself and what you decide to do when it DOES go wrong, is completely up to you.
There are many things that can go wrong but there are a few ways in which you can prepare for it. Ultimately however, when the time comes, there may be some pretty important decisions to make and they may not be comfortable ones. Let's discuss some of them now.
A merchants nightmare. Pirates are an ongoing menace to the Nekon star system. They have been around ever since the birth of intergalactic space-hubs. These are huge trade centres which welcome space travellers from far and wide, offering a wealth of resources and exotic goods to take home to their loved ones.
Intergalactic space-hubs are also home to some of the deepest darkest activity to have ever graced the Black Markets. Pirates are at the forefront of most of the dealings in this respect. They make a living out of intercepting merchant vessels, private traders, and extorting the unprepared.
When you find a buyer for any non-NFT item listed on the Market Place there is a small chance that pirates may intercept your transaction. You can lower the chances of bumping into trouble by hiring a Trusted Delivery Service to deliver the goods for you.
Player and NPC services alike have a delivery rating. This rating reflects the additional protection they can offer you when delivery events are triggered.
Kwik NPC Delivery Service
If you opt for the Kwik NPC service, depending on the option chosen, the NPC delivery protection attributes are applied to the delivery risk value and then the RnG (Random Number Generator) Gods go to work.
Player Delivery Services
If you opted for a player delivery service, you can choose a delivery specialist level. The more skilled the pilot; the more expensive, so you must weigh up the risk/reward factor before choosing a pilot.
Courier Specialist levels are awarded to players who engage in delivery service missions which can be activated by checking DELIVERY AGENT checkbox on the PLAY GAME menu. As a player increases in reputation they will be awarded access to higher tiered delivery missions.
Once your trade has been finalised and a buyer has paid the funds into escrow, the courier job will be triggered. The next courier in the job queue for the chosen skill range will be notified of the opportunity. If they accept, a mini-game be started for that player where they will have to complete a series of challenges to successfully complete the delivery. Your cargo is the objective and must be protected. If the courier fails to protect/deliver your cargo, you may lose it entirely, be held to ransom by pirates, or it may be damaged.
If held to ransom, it is the courier who must pay the pirates in order to gain safe passage. Players may choose to pay or fight the pirates. However, be warned. Pirates may range in difficulty and experience. You could be up against some wanna-be extorters, or you could end up facing the crew of Ak'Rit themselves! These boys pack a punch and won't go easy on you.
The seller will only be notified of the outcome of the delivery once the mini-game has been completed. If the courier fails to deliver the package, the courier may be fined and will lose courier points.
Couriers may even lose entire specialist levels, preventing access to more lucrative delivery opportunities in the future.
The seller will incur the cost of all losses.
Last updated
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