Ultimate Abilities

Sometimes you need a little more OOMPF.

Ultimate Abilities are special skills that have long cool downs. These abilities can obliterate trash mobs; torment unsuspecting players who try their luck with you, or really chunk down that tanky mini-boss that's been whooping your butt and thwarting your dreams of leader board domination.

Every space ship has access to a set of generic ultimate abilities; however, they won't just be handed to you freely, you're going to have to work to unlock these show-stoppers.

Unlock Requirements

Every Ultimate Ability has a list of requirements that need to be met before you'll be able to equip it to your ship. These requirements can be viewed in detail by selecting the Ultimate Ability tab in the Hangar. Here are a few of the requirements that may need to be met.

Ship Level

In order to activate the biggest weapons on the ship, you must first know your ship. Your ship will be need to have been adequately levelled before you can access it's ultimate ability. This is the first and most important requirement to unlock these super skills. Once you've hit the required level needed to unlock the ability, you'll then be presented with a list of other criteria which will need to be met too, before you can finally equip it to your ships loadout.

Minimum Ship Rarity

Some ultimate abilities can only be equipped by ships that meet a minimum rarity level (Star Rating). Be sure to check the ultimate abilities star requirement before purchasing / crafting it to avoid disappointment.

Pilot Rank

Look, it's this simple. Scrubs cannot be trusted with keys to the doomsday machine.

The age old saying, "Don't give monkeys hammers" has never been so relevant. For this reason, ultimate abilities may have a minimum pilot rank associated with their use. You will not be able to buy or craft them until you've met this rank. Sorry scrub, go level up a little.

Weapons Prerequisites

Certain ultimate abilities require a specific weapon to be present in your weapons pool in order to activate them. These weapons may also need to be of a minimum star rating to meet this requirement. Weapons origin may be crafted / NFT and may be unavailable for a considerable duration when the ultimate ability is activated.

Talent Proficiencies

Talent proficiencies are not intended to be released immediately upon launch, but are a system that will eventually be added to Space Guardians. When implemented, certain talent pools may need to be unlocked and chosen for certain ultimate abilities to be accessible. More on this when the time comes, but for now, just know that this system will be implemented later.

Ship Class

There are some abilities which are restricted to a specific faction and cannot be used in another faction ship. You will be notified when you attempt to buy an ability if you do not currently possess a ship of that faction. We'd hate for you to spend all your hard earned CosmaKoin on an ability you can't even equip. That would suck, right?

Last updated

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