ACT 1: Fraethes
Heir of the Fallen
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Heir of the Fallen
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“Hunger is for the weak! *stomach growls* But tonight will be an exception.”
“If I fight you with my utmost strength, you will definitely lose.”
“Wow! I have never seen a steak so big before!”
Nation: Khover
Sex: Male
Birthday: August 19 Fraethes is a dragonic cat from Khover. He is the first playable character in the DEFVERSE cosmos.
Fraethes grew up without parents and only his grandmother to take care of him from a young age. His childhood was filled with joy and adventure, not a day without laughter and smiles. As a child that grew up in tournaments and contests, he was competitive and hard-headed. Although he has troublesome moments, it can be part of his charming points. He's fearless and cannot be shaken when facing bone-chilling-looking Eirians. His outstanding bravery led him to take on an entire army of Hellcats. Every cat in the DEFVERSE cosmos trembles upon hearing his mighty name.
As the last living heir of the Drak Clan in Khover, Fraethes took an oath to seek revenge on whoever was responsible for the unforgivable transgression of the past. Every day, he would strive hard to be better than anyone, powerful than anyone. With his ambitious and relentless attitude, no one can quench his burning desire to have revenge for his clan. Happened years ago were an unexpected betrayal and internal dispute that led to the end of the once-supreme and influential clan of the Draks. No one knew exactly what caused it nor the war's outcome. People just left immediately for their safety, not knowing the whole truth of the foreign's attack. Yet as they say, 'Good will always prevail against evil.' The once fallen will be back to take what is rightfully theirs.
As the first draconic cat to set food on the land of Khover, Eldar Drak established the Drak clan. Together with his wife, Malfas, they built everything from scratch while their population increased. Led by a great ruler, they prospered and became known in the various lands of Neko Sekai, making allegiance and enemies along the way. It was indeed the experience to boast of for overcoming the challenges they encountered. After years of putting the citizens first, they finally had their children, namely Yakas as the oldest, followed by Zakul and Azura. They were inseparable, always being there for one after another. Thousand years later, Eldar decided to step down from his position and bestowed Yakas the power and authority to lead the Drak Clan as his oldest and rightful heir. During her reign, the deviousness of the younger sisters only worsened, spiting on her from behind, filled with jealousy and malice in their minds. The once special bond they shared at a young age seemed to have been replaced with hostile sentiments. Yakas was forced to grow up and be the next heir of the Draks, damaging their relationship; sadly, she became the enemy in their eyes.
One day, Zakul and Azura had enough and finally decided to leave for good. Disappeared without any traces left behind, they both set forth on a journey in which fate couldn't tell the outcome of such a reckless decision. They coped up to survive the harsh weather while surrounded by dangerous creatures that could devour them anytime in the wilderness. Along the way, they ran into the seemed lost Aldon and Bryer, princes of the Fairy kingdom, also exploring every territory for a possible allegiance. Destiny was indeed cheeky, playing around with their red strings of fate entangled to one another; they fell in love.
Zakul and Azura also formed their family in the Fairy Kingdom as years passed. They could not ask for more with their babies in arms and loving spouses. Yet, in the back of their minds, an unfinished business awaits for them in the land of Khover. Such unpleasant emotion wouldn't be erased that quickly; the sisters began to plot revenge on their older sister. Oblivious from all the trouble, Yakas only yearned for her sisters who left, leading the whole clan alone. No one to share every good news; she also had a family and gave birth to a beautiful girl, Krismi.
With the whole army of the Fairy cats, they marched their way into the settlement of the Draks. With a sharp spear and intention of ending every Draconic cats' existence, they seized the chance of expanding their territory. Meanwhile, Yakas chose to disregard the signs and only opened her arms in her sisters' return but only to find out the ominous plan behind it. She stood up to hug them, only to realize the cold knife stabbed in her back. The two sisters whispered something demonically in her ear, grinning in their victory; her sisters had betrayed her. She suddenly lost her grip and fell on the floor, bathing in her blood; the shock was an understatement. They left her behind, as Yakas screamed at the top of her lungs, ordering everyone to defend. All of it was useless as the attack cost countless lives to be sacrificed; the Drak clan supremacy has ended sadly.
As the fellow men of the Drak Clan ran for their lives, away from the invasion of the Fairy cats, Yakas had no other choice but to let her trusted friend take Krismi, her daughter, somewhere safe. In exchange for her life, she fought the attackers with the remaining Draconic cats with the last strength they had. Almost at her deathbed, she only gazed at their shadows as her sight became blurry. Maybe it was her fault in the accident; the black smoke coming from them only says one thing, Hellcats. Nobody knew what happened inside the well, but the fact that they changed afterward proves that the rumors were true; red-skinned cats brainwashed them. Still, Yakas never had any anger or resentment towards her sisters in her dying breath. She will always love them even if different blood resides in their veins.
The war has finally come to an end. The battlefield was left with nothing but the grief of the beloved and the loss of their once-called home. Yet, everyone began their lives again, walking towards the future with their chins held high, not looking back on the painful past that once brought joy and contentment. They had to adapt to the changing world; someday, the past secrets would be revealed by themselves. Time only passed quickly that the war that took place that day had already become history. Everything has changed, but it will only take a small step for the past to repeat itself. It is time for the last descendant of the Drak Clan to know the truth. The once fallen will be back to take what is rightfully theirs.