Play Game
Let's do this!
Many of these options have already been covered in detail in the Games Modes section of the GitBook but below is a simplified list of the available game modes within Space Guardians.
The tutorial system will have a categorised set of guided tutorials which will lead the player through various system and game modes found in Space Guardians. This will include information on other topics as well such as:
NFT Fusion
Crafting and Research
The Auction House
The Market Place
NORMAL (Neko Sekai: Survival) (Leader Boards / High Score)
This is a High Score based game mode where you test your wits against an endless assault of space invaders. Set in outer space you set off in your spacecraft armed to the teeth with various weapons to cull the hordes of enemy that threaten your world. Get out there and take down as many of those suckers as you can before your ship reaches it's limits. The score you achieve will be recorded on the global leader boards which are reset each season. A season consists of 8 weeks followed by a 2 week rest period, at which time players can prepare their loadouts, grind for materials, research and craft new items then trade or upgrade them in preparation for the start of the new season.
Rewards can be earned by ranking up and earning a place in the top of the boards. The rewards pool pay-outs are dependant on a variety of factors and may differ each season based upon activity and the Play For Rewards player base. Our prize pool is estimated to be 40% of all space Guardians related income streams (after tax).
F2P (Free-2-Play) players cannot sell items to PFR (Play-For-Rewards) players.
ARENA (Detention: PvP / PvPE / Squads) (Leagues)
Detention is an Arena styled battleground mode where players must compete against each other in short, time limited games. Compete, destroy, control, capture and claim victory over the opposing team and NPC forces to prevail. Collect points to progress through the leagues and be the envy of all aspiring galactic pilots. With reputation comes reward (PFR eligibility required). Arena mode has its own set of challenges to overcome and missions to complete. Arenas have their own placement systems which follow a similar structure to many popular MOBA games. The leagues range from Bronze-Challenger and have a separate prize pool than Normal (Survival / High Score) and Tournament modes.
Arenas consist of 1v1, 2v2, and Squad v Squad modes. Players will engage in PvP (player vs player) and PvPE (player vs player and environment) matches, where bots and other AI controlled entities will work against the players to add an extra level of mayhem. Dynamic events are triggered randomly during gameplay.
ARENA (Sector 3: Squads) (Leagues / High Score)
Sector 3 is a multi-squad* game mode where victors will be awarded points in a league style format. It combines the arena style combat of Detention and the survival style gameplay of Neko Sekai. Gather with a couple of your most trusted friends and take to the outer reaches of the solar system to gather, salvage, capture, and bounty hunt space criminals, unscrupulous traders, including other player controlled squads. Don't be misled in thinking it's only the corrupt and evil that suffer your wrath. You may also choose to take on the GEA (Galactic Enforcement Agency) and support various criminal entities including illegal black-market traders, bounty hunters, corrupt officials and more. * Sector 3 is expected to host up to 20 squads (60 players) who will be randomly warped into the zone at the start of the match. The match will last approximately 30 minutes where the players who survive to the very end are expected to face off against each other before the timer elapses and the GEA (the space authorities) seize control of area and detain / destroy all remaining combatants.
WAR (Fleet v Fleet) (Territorial Warfare)
War is a Fleet v Fleet game mode where your battles shape the universe around you. Factional control of strategic points in space will mark your territory. While in these zones you will generate more resources, infamy, and prestige. At a certain point in the game an objective will be introduced and all fleets begin to fight for control of this. Secure, protect, and retain the object until the game timer elapses to claim victory.
This is a SEASONAL game mode and offers a substantial reward to the fleet that holds the objective at the end of the game. Create allies, destroy thy enemy, and trust no one. The outcome of each season will irreversibly affect the solar systems and all worlds that inhabit it. Your actions, your victories, and your deaths will carve the way for future pilots, merchants, and adventurers and will affect the Space Guardians experience for the entire player base. Changes caused by these events can affect not only the economy but also the story as well as dictate which new races, spacecraft, weapons, and resources become available in subsequent seasons. YOU control how the story unfolds. YOU lead the way. YOU shall write the history.
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