🏨Our Business Model Works
Our Play For Reward business model just works
Last updated
Our Play For Reward business model just works
Last updated
We never give away what we haven't already made in profit. The rewards pool depends solely on our generated income.
One very important part of our economic strategy and it's stability will be achieved by the use of various income streams which utilise both crypto and non-crypto payment methods.
Our rewards pool is estimated to be 40% of our total income from all sources (after tax).
Now I know there are gonna be a litany of sceptics, nay-sayers, and keyboard ninjas out there that want to rain on our parade and hope we fail. One of the questions that gets thrown at us from such people is, "What if you don't make a single sale? Then you're screwed, right?"
Space Guardians may take a little while to gain some traction, sure, but we got you covered. We have prepared for every eventuality and we are 100% confident in our ability to host some exciting tournaments and release new and exciting content based on our existing investment income from our partnered businesses.
The tournaments may be less frequent but they'll still exist and best of all, you get to enjoy our game for free and have some fun while you're at it!
OK, so things went well and we got money in the bank. What kind of money are we talking? Let's take a look at some basic sales forecasts based on varied success. Examples of generated income and the associated prize pools that would result from them. What kind of income can we expect to see?